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Pastoral Council


Nominations are open to the Pastoral Council. Councilors must be baptized, practicing members of Blessed Savior Parish and over the age of 18. The term of office is 3 years. Nominations will be accepted until May 14th . Nomination forms are available in the pews and on the table in the back of church.  Please complete the form and place it in the collection basket or return to the Parish Office by May 14th.

You may nominate yourself or any other Parish Member. You may nominate more than one individual.  Discernment will be May 16st. Nominees are expected to watch the Archdiocesan video before discernment.  

Further information about the Pastoral Council including manuals and orientation videos is available here:





Pastoral Council

“Live according to what you have learned and accepted,

what you have heard me say and seen me do.” Philippians 4: 9



About the Council

The primary role of the Pastoral Council is to be a consultative body for the pastor. The Pastoral Council is in effect a living model of the parish as a worshipping community. The Council is prayerful, faithful, pastoral, representative, discerning, prophetic, empowering, and collaborative. Leadership qualities include vision, service, confidence, consensus, recognition of needs and resources, welcoming, and spiritual.

Often referred to as the “wisdom” of the faith community, the Council’s responsibility is to represent the needs of all the people of the parish and by reaching out to the parish to determine what issues are impacting their lives. Through a process of prayer, study, dialogue, and most importantly, discernment and consensus, the Pastoral Council can recommend practical conclusions regarding these issues.

Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month.

Meeting schedule subject to change ... please check the parish calendar for current schedule.

Selection Process

Like most parishes in the Archdiocese, we use a discernment process versus an election because it is a prayerful discovery of God’s will. Discernment for Council is a process involving prayer and discussion among present Council members and Nominees.   It is a process that takes time and will be useful for important matters.

The candidates will be nominated by the Congregation and agree to participate in the discernment process.  In the process, all come to know each other, the role of the Pastoral Council, and the needs of the Parish. This information will help nominees to make an informed and spirit-filled decision. Nominees and the Council Members will discern together whom God is calling to serve on Blessed Savior’s Pastoral Council.

Eligibility requirements are: baptized Catholic, at least 18 years of age; active member of Blessed Savior Parish; not an employee of our parish or a member of their immediate family.